Abductees Mothers Association Rally Statement in Aden

Dozens of us, mothers of abductees and forcibly hidden detainees in Aden, are rallying here in front of Public Prosecution headquarters to demand the attorney general and Minister of Justice to uncover the whereabouts of our sons and allow us to visit them. They have been forcibly hidden for years where we do not hear from them. There is no way for us to know what our sons are going through. We have been unfairly and illegally prevented from visiting or seeing them for more than two years. In our suffering, we demand to hold those responsible for the crime of enforced disappearance accountable for their actions and be punished as seriously as the law permits.

We demand the attorney general to disclose the investigation outcomes of the abductees’ and forcibly hidden individuals’ case which was undertaken by special committee four months ago. We, moreover, demand to provide our abducted son held at Be’er Ahmed prison with their lawful and legal rights, release the 20 abductees whom the Public Prosecution ordered to be released, and immediately look into and review the other abductees’ cases without any procrastination or delay.


Issued by Abductees’ Mothers Association, Aden
July 17th, 2019