Abductees Mothers Association Urgent Report Urging to Save Ill Abductees at Central Security Prison in Sanaa

Illegally, our sons have spent years behind bars where they are subjected to physical and psychological torture, and systematic health negligence.

It was reported to us that many abductees at Central Security Prison in Sana’a have been suffering as their health is deteriorating where healthcare is completely neglected. The abductee Mohammed Abdullah Al-Redah went into a critical health condition since he had had angina. While the abductee Khalid Mohammed Al-Haith is suffering from hepatitis and functional renal impairment, Abdu Hasan Osaibah and Mohammed Lutf Al-Hussam have also caught hepatitis.

We, Abductees’ mothers, call upon our Yemeni brothers and sisters to rescue the sick abductees in order to have their right of healthcare, and spend these hard times with their mothers and children. We hold Houthi armed group fully responsible for the lives and safety of the abductees.

We call upon the International Red Cross to pay a visit to the abductees at Central Security Prison in Sana’a, and to grant them their basic rights and the needed healthcare to save them. We, finally, call upon the UN Special Envoy and United Nations High Commissioner’s Office for Human Rights to place the necessary pressure to save the abductees before it is too late, and to unconditionally release them in order to have the needed treatment.

Issued by Abductees’ Mothers Association, Sana’a
November 1st, 2019