Abductees Mothers Association in Aden Sends Its Congratulations to Mothers and Families of 13 Abductees Who Had Been Released

Abductees’ Mothers Association congratulated the families of the 13 abductees who had been released today from Be’er Ahmed prison in Aden. 20 abductees were ordered to be released by Public Prosecution before Ramadan, yet only those 13 were released today. The association emphasizes on its stand to condemn arbitrary arrest and detention, and enforced disappearance, and to disapprove the detention of those included in Public Prosecution order of release. It, also, demands providing them with all their rights stated by international and national laws and agreements.

Those who were released today are;

  1. Bassam Saleh
  2. Yasser Al-Khader
  3. Belal Mohammed
  4. Akram Kamal
  5. Saleh Ali
  6. Zaid Ahmed
  7. Omar Ahmed
  8. Aidarous Mohammed
  9. Ammar Sharaf
  10. Abdulhadi Ali
  11. Abdulrahman Saleh
  12. Ali Saleh
  13. Khaled Mohammed