Abductees Mothers Association rally statement by Masheeq Presidential Palace in Aden demanding government uncover fate of forcibly disappeared individuals.

As a new year starts and the government arrives at the temporary capital, Aden, we rise our expectations to end our and our forcibly disappeared sons’ suffering. It is time for mothers’ hearts to stop fearing and for their reunions with their sons to be held.


  At Abductees’ Mothers Association, we rally here, by Ma’asheeq Presidential Palace in Aden, to extend our urgent call to the new government, headed by Prime Minister, Ma’ien Abdulmalek, to prioritize the case of forcibly disappeared individuals in the government’s agenda in order to uncover the fate of 39 persons who have been abducted and forcibly disappeared by Security Belt in Aden for four years. The fears and inquiries of abductees’ families were met with absolute silence from the competent authorities even after appointing the new government.


They have not been given any reassurance or information regarding the mechanism of uncovering and releasing their relatives, or holding the violators accountable for their actions. Thus, their fears and worries have multiplied. 


  We call upon human rights organizations, locally and internationally, to support us and mount the necessary intensive pressure in the near future to uncover the fate of forcibly disappeared persons and help save their lives and reunite them with their families.  


Issued by Abductees’ Mothers Association, Aden.  January 5th, 2021.