In Alhudayda, Abductees’ Mothers Association said that it had monitored the cases of 92 abductees and forcibly disappeared persons from Alhudayda, 79 of whom were held by Houthi armed group while the other 13 were held by the Joint Forces at the West Coast. The official and secret detention centers, abductees held at, were all poorly equipped and lacking the basic human facilities.
In its rally this morning at Alduraihimi district, Abductees’ Mothers Association condemned the abduction and brutal torture facing civilians, which had repeatedly led to the deterioration of their health. The effects of such violations and crimes had extended to hit abductees’ relatives, as the father of the abductee Ibrahim Ahmed Sajed died due to a stroke after hearing the news of referring his son to court, especially after executing 9 abductees from Alhudayda by Houthi armed group.
In their rally statement, mothers demanded the international community to mount the needed pressure and take serious actions in order to release all abductees and arbitrarily arrested and forcibly disappeared persons.
The rally statement held Houthi armed group and the Joint Forces at the West Coast fully responsible for the lives and safety of the abducted and forcibly disappeared individuals.
The statement was concluded by stressing on the importance of providing the necessary medical care inside prisons, and improving the detention conditions, as the abductees’ case and rights had completely been ignored by international human rights organizations.