Abductees’ Mothers Association statement with arrival of Eid Alfitr while mothers await release of all their abducted sons.

The blessed Eid Alfitr is here while “356” abductees, “64” detainees, and “143” forcibly disappeared are still behind bars, their freedom and joy of Eid are stolen, their children’s and families’ delight is taken away, and their hearts are broken for being prevented of any visits. These abductees are being held with no regard to any legal, humanitarian, or constitutional rights. 


At Abductees’ Mothers Association, we patiently waited throughout the whole month of Ramadan, as mothers looked froward to the moments of hugs, feasts, and congratulations, for fulfilling the promises made by all Yemeni parties and international initiatives to release all abductees. Sadly, all our hopes were shattered, for only “9” abductees were released in prisoners exchange deals brokered by local mediators. 
In the name of the children and families of abductees and arbitrarily detained, and forcibly disappeared persons, we call upon all competent authorities, human rights organizations, and the United Nations to mount the needed pressure to release all abductees and arbitrarily detained, and forcibly disappeared persons, to fulfill the promises that were made to release them, and to make it the first step to make peace and bring back the joy of Eid to mothers and children. 
We urge the universal conscience to support the abductees and arbitrarily detained, and forcibly disappeared persons, and their families, and to take the necessary actions to grant them access to their rights, which they were prevented of during their detention, to allow family visits during Eid, and to unconditionally release them. 
Issued by Abductees’ Mothers Association.
May 1st, 2022.