Focused Sessions on Transitional Justice Held in Aden

The Abductees’ Mothers Association, a member of the ” Justice for Yemen Pact,” organized a series of focused sessions in Aden to explore the principles and mechanisms of transitional justice.

The association held four sessions, bringing together political activists, victims, and women. These sessions were conducted as part of the “Supporting Peace in Yemen through Accountability, Reconciliation, and Knowledge Exchange (SPARK)” project.

The initiative aimed to raise awareness about transitional justice, foster community acceptance of its principles, and build consensus on mechanisms that safeguard victims’ rights while laying the foundation for lasting and sustainable peace in Yemen.

Participants discussed ideas and strategies for implementing transitional justice as a means of promoting societal reconciliation and upholding the values of justice and accountability.

The sessions also addressed key issues, including accountability for human rights violations, community reconciliation, and measures to ensure justice for those most affected by the conflict.