Abductees Mothers Association statement sympathizing with abducted actor, Entesar Al-Hammadi, and demanding her release.

In an exclusive report received by Abductees’ Mothers Association, it was stated that the 20-year-old model and actor Entesar Abdulrahman Mahyoub Al-Hammadi was abducted on February 20th, 2021 in Sana’a, and has been unlawfully detained since then. She was falsely tied to a case of other models and actors.


In his statement to the association, the victim’s legal consultant, Khaled Mohammed Al-Kamal, said that he and her family were not allowed to visit her, which indicates a clear abuse of rights by prison authorities. He, also, stated that she would be interrogated with by West Capital Municipality Prosecution this Sunday.
At Abductees’ Mothers Association, we declare our full support for Entesar Al-Hammadi, and condemn the unlawful detention and illegal abuse of her rights. We hold Houthi armed group fully responsible for the life of Entesar Al-Hammadi and all other abducted women held at the group’s prions.
We call upon the United Nation and all human rights organizations to take serious actions to release Al-Hammadi and the other female abductees, to stop the violations against women, protect them, and grant them their rights.
Issued by Abductees’ Mothers Association.
April 17th, 2021.