On the International Day of Education, Houthi Group Arbitrarily Deprives Detainees of the Right to Education

Coinciding with the International Day of Education, the Abductees’ Mothers Association issued a human rights report documenting cases of deprivation of education in detention facilities affiliated with the Houthi group for detainees arbitrarily throughout their detention, some lasting up to eight years.

The Houthi group categorically refuses to allow any detainee to continue their education. In some instances, they have confiscated their previous academic certificates and documents, prompting some surviving students released from detention to abandon their studies and engage in combat activities.

The Association documented (271) students among the survivors of Houthi prisons and (115) students who are still detained by the Houthi group, all of whom are deprived of their right to education.





To read the report: